writing / life: pol / economics !!

Anuj !
2 min readJun 6, 2021

First Year Review: I think I finally know what I want to do with my life.


Pol / Economics !!

I’ve always believed that public policy is the path towards a better future, whether it’s through international diplomacy or economic policymaking.

Over the past few months, India has witnessed one of the deadliest ever waves of the Coronavirus. There has been a blatant lack of foresight and a large-scale failure in medical governance and administration, which has reinforced my faith in the importance of sound policy.
For the first time in my life, I’ve witnessed actual death very close to me as a result of flawed policy-making.

I now know, more than ever before, that the intersection of the subjects of Economics, Political Science, and Government is what I want to pursue in my life.

In the future, these interests could mean me collecting on-site primary data for think-tanks, or me making key policy decisions on a global scale. I just know that this is the space I want to pursue for a collectively better future.

And what better way to start this journey than with my First Year of college in one of the most prestigious, historical Arts universities in the country? The experiences and relationships I’ve gathered over the past year have been so important in shaping this newfound clarity I have for life ahead.

Whether it was through CCS’ enlightening public policy certification or the ongoing research internship as part of Swayambhu or the research papers I’ve worked on for seminars and journals,

over the past few years, I have broadened my horizons through a bird’s eye view,
and somehow, at the same time, I have suddenly found a very focused, crystal-clear perspective on what I want to follow in my life.

The processes in macro-fields like these can be extremely complex, which is exactly why I believe that sound foundational learning here (right from an undergrad level) is so very necessary.

The past few months, more than ever before, have opened my eyes to the positive (or negative?) impact that Government Policy Measures can have on the people that truly need change.
In the future, I hope I can be that positive change.

If any education has the power to change lives, it has to be this one for me. Policymaking is the best avenue to societal progress.




Anuj !

an almost-adult from Mumbai who yet enjoys afternoon naps and Happy Meals.